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How to Prepare Your Home to Sell: Essential Tips to Attract Buyers

Posted by marketing on September 18, 2024

Are you thinking about selling your home?

Here are the tips you need to know before viewings are held!

Preparing your property correctly can speed up the sales process and even increase its value. Here are some essential tips to ensure that your home is at its best when it goes on the market.

Cleaning your home is a very important thing to do!

Give your home a deep clean, depersonalize it by removing photographs and personal objects, and organize the space by removing unnecessary objects that can create a feeling of clutter.

All of this for one reason: to give the person who is going to visit the home the opportunity to imagine themselves living there!

Small repairs make all the difference!

It is not always necessary to carry out major renovations before selling your home, but small repairs can have a big impact on the buyer’s perception. In other words, do a complete analysis of all the rooms in the house and put everything in its best possible condition.

Invest in Home Staging.

Home staging is an increasingly popular technique for valuing properties for sale. It involves strategically decorating the home to show off its full potential. You can add plants to create a welcoming atmosphere.

Mirrors are also a great option for the Home Staging technique, as they increase the feeling of space in smaller rooms.

Regarding furniture, position it in a way that highlights the functionality of each room.

Professional photographs are crucial!

Most buyers start their search online, so the quality of the property photographs is essential. You can hire a professional photographer, specialized in real estate, as they will know which strong points to capture with the best angles and lighting.

It is important to take the photographs on sunny days, taking advantage of the natural light that highlights the spaces.

Pay attention to the smells in the house!

Strong smells can put off potential buyers. Before visiting, air out the house well, and if it is your own home, avoid cooking food with strong smells. If necessary, use diffusers with gentle aromas to create a pleasant atmosphere.

Be flexible with viewings

It is important to facilitate viewings of the home in question. Be flexible with the times and adapt to the needs of potential buyers. A home that is available for frequent viewings has a greater chance of selling quickly.

Properly preparing a home is a worthwhile investment, as it can not only speed up the sale but also increase the value that the property fetches on the market.

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Jake, the most Algarvian Englishman in the Western Algarve. Since 2017 he has been roaming the streets of the iconic city of Lagos, the city he grew up in, always with an easy smile and ready to help his clients and/or those who need his expertise. Proof of this are the people who have bought and sold with him and have become friends with this real estate agent with an irreverent eye for what it means to treat the client uniquely. His general knowledge of the local market, his focus and his genuine concern will put anyone in good hands.

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