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Porta 65 Youth Program With New Rules

Posted by marketing on September 11, 2024

From no longer requiring the prior presentation of a rental contract to only requiring three pay slips, instead of the previous six, these are the new rules implemented in order to expand access to housing for young people in Portugal.

Decree-Law 42/2024, of July 2, in force since September 1, aims to expand access to the Porta 65 Jovem program to “a larger universe of young people”, allowing applications “aged 35 or under” and eliminating “exclusion and weighting factors that currently prove inadequate, namely the imposition of a maximum permitted rent as an application requirement”.

These changes aim to facilitate the application process, allowing young people to apply for the program without facing barriers such as the imposition of a maximum permitted rent.

According to the Government, the objective is to allow more young people to access the rental market, especially at a time when the cost of housing makes access difficult for many of them.

Currently, young people can apply for the program without having to attach a contract or promise of a contract. After the application, the State informs the amount of support to be granted, allowing the candidate a period of two months to find a house that fits the stipulated value.

If the support is granted, payment is subject to the registration of the contract on the Finance Portal, which must be done within two months after the results are published, otherwise the application will be excluded.

Monthly application system and ranking criteria

Another innovative aspect of the program is the creation of a monthly application system, in which candidates are ranked based on income and household composition. This system aims to offer a fairer and more transparent selection process, adapted to the financial conditions of the candidates.

Alternatives and eligibility criteria

Young people can also apply for the housing pool made available on the Housing Portal, where owners register properties available for rent. As for proof of income, candidates can choose to submit their IRS tax return from the previous year or their income from the three months preceding their application, including holiday and Christmas bonuses.

These measures were created taking into account the increased difficulties that young people face in the housing rental market, and represent a response to the call for greater public support to mitigate emigration and promote access to housing.

Applications to Porta 65 Jovem can be made by those aged between 18 and 35, and in the case of couples, one of the members can be up to 37 years old. Candidates who turn 36 during the support period may also submit a subsequent application, as long as it is consecutive.

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Jake, the most Algarvian Englishman in the Western Algarve. Since 2017 he has been roaming the streets of the iconic city of Lagos, the city he grew up in, always with an easy smile and ready to help his clients and/or those who need his expertise. Proof of this are the people who have bought and sold with him and have become friends with this real estate agent with an irreverent eye for what it means to treat the client uniquely. His general knowledge of the local market, his focus and his genuine concern will put anyone in good hands.

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